

"What will we be able to do by cloning technology in future, and does it really possible to carry it out?"
I refer to this question. If cloning technology is used fleely for cloning humans, the super humans; Einstein, Usain Bolt, Newton, etc.. would comeback to life from dead. But it may be probably not able to  revive concerning Einstein and Newton because there is no cells of them. And we can treat heart attacks by cloning healthy heart cells and injecting them into the damaged heart area. It's possible to carry it out in future and I wish the technology will be improved before long.


I write the answer for my question 1 " What advantages does the cloning might have?". First, stem cells will eventually change the face of medicine as we know it. Given the fact that the cells can be manipulated to mimic other types of cells, this can provide new ways to treat diseases like cancer and Alzheimer’s. And secondly, cloning can reverse the effect of aging. However, I think people of advanced age would increase and progress an aging society. Thirdly, there are so many dangered species in the world, but cloning may be able to protect them in future.


This word cloud  is my second work, and there are big words: "cells", "brain", "scientists", Dolly", "patients". Therefore, we can imagine that this original site is maybe written about medical or cloning. Dolly is a sheep which is famous for being cloned.
"Cloning scientists create human brain cells", 2012, web. 15 June 2012.


I'd like to show you this word clouds I made by using "wordle". This is from a site, "Sience Daily", which is written about souces for the latest research news.   This article says cloning is not by chance but is done by human intentionally. And "cloning", "identical", "organism", are written in big words, so I can guess this site is about "cloning" .
"Sience Daily". 2012. Web. 14 June 2012.


I found a good site to research on my controversial issues. Because the site has many perspectives, so it is convienient for me to do reserch. Its URL is http://www.ornl.gov/sci/techresources/Human_Genome/elsi/cloning.shtml


These are the questions which I think are very controversial.

1. What advantage does the cloning might have?
2. What will we be able to do by cloning technology in future, and does it really possible to carry it out?
3. What do you think human is cloned?
4. Whether is cloning technology against the human ethics?
5. Should research institutes profit from our DNA?
6. Should patients be tested for untreatable conditions?
7. How private is a person's genetic information?
8. Is there the right to have children, regardless of how they are created?
9. If a clone is created, who is the parent?
10. Is it ethically right to harvest organs from clones?


15 Questions to think about.

These are the questions that possebly be useful to discuss about this complicated matter.

1 What is the possible risk this technology might bring?

2 Is it possible to create hybrid animal?

3 Could this technology be an another solution for who cannot have children because of the same gender or simply cannot have one.

4 Would it be a one approach for longlivity beyond human capacity?

5 Is it possible or good to have the extinct animals?

6 What will the religion change from it?

7 Can we become better humanity by this technology?

8 What would you treat the "made up life"?

9 Can we expect more profit compared the disadvantage it would bring?

10 Would it really be useful to feed the starving?

11 Can we "create" genius?

13 What should the growing population do?

14 Would we meet extinction?

15 what is the meaning of life?

It has turned quite philosophycal, but it maybe worth to give a bit of time for it.