
Cloning responce (role play as medical )

     Although the Cloning technology's is a field we need to do more research, we have high hope to this approach. To study closely how the life and understanding how its cycle works will give us the opportunity to do the impossible... such as healing patients who cannot be cured by the current medical surgery.
     Many disease or serious injuries are incurable even if we use the newest, best medical techniques and equipment. Some are just simply best to leave our own body to do its job. The cloning uses stem cell, which is collectible from the embryo. This stem cell, is the very base that would create our body structure based on DNA. Without DNA, it is just a base material that would create body parts according to the DNA that surrounds it, in another words, it will become/ repair the parts that is damaged or even lost.
     Our best interest is in these purpose, to cure the incurable. With this technology, we have facts that the rat with Alzheimer's has shown a sign of recovery, by the stem cell replacing the damaged brain parts. I believe this is a technology well worth of challenging. The key to the day we might live long as we wish, might be in this study.



We all have the identity, so if lots of cloning people who have the same gene of anyone were produced on this world,  there would appear the problem, "What is the human?" or "Who are we?". Hence, the cloning causes a lot of fuss in the world. Furthermore, it's inhumane that we use the cloned heart to cure the people who are damaged by heart attacks, because such cure is against the human ethics.


I found the article which says that cloning technology may someday be possible to reverse the aging prosess, and may be able to treat heart attack victims by cloning their healthy heart cells and injecting them into the areas of the heart that have been damaged. I think cloning technology may be able to save human's life and it makes us possible to live more and more long.

Cloning responce (as Green Peace perspective, role play)

     Hello to everyone. We would like to present our opinion about cloning, in a most close subject that everyone could easily recognize. The food we eat, genetically tempered ones. 
      We believe that everyone would agree that we want to be safe on what we eat on everyday bases.The thing we eat would be a very energy to live, therefore it should be healthy so we could go maintain a good life. However, as the industries increase the efficiency to produce, so did the same with the problems that is brought to our front door. We already have a lot of problems that are not solved,  some are even concealed from our eyes so they can keep producing in high standards. 
     The crops and other veggies would be  a easy example. Not long ago, we were scared by the insecticide such as DDT, the dreadful consequence it brought was very expensive. We somewhat managed to decrease the rate of these to be used, there are producers still using it, and people are suffering from it, and the price we need to pay to restore the environment is expensive.
     Our stances are not to take chances when there is still a risk, especially when it has a possibility to make a irreversible damage to the environment. Not only that, there are facts that genetically modified foods has caused allergy to people. We have created foods for a long time, but in natural way and we know what we took in our hand. 
    The things we talked above is just an example, however we are about to make use of Genetic modification, a technology we have not explored enough. We already made many mistakes because we pretended not to look at the problem, or we simply did not know.

    Are you really willing to take this risk? Are you going to make the mistake from the same reason we had? We, are against the cloning.
