
Cloning responce (role play as medical )

     Although the Cloning technology's is a field we need to do more research, we have high hope to this approach. To study closely how the life and understanding how its cycle works will give us the opportunity to do the impossible... such as healing patients who cannot be cured by the current medical surgery.
     Many disease or serious injuries are incurable even if we use the newest, best medical techniques and equipment. Some are just simply best to leave our own body to do its job. The cloning uses stem cell, which is collectible from the embryo. This stem cell, is the very base that would create our body structure based on DNA. Without DNA, it is just a base material that would create body parts according to the DNA that surrounds it, in another words, it will become/ repair the parts that is damaged or even lost.
     Our best interest is in these purpose, to cure the incurable. With this technology, we have facts that the rat with Alzheimer's has shown a sign of recovery, by the stem cell replacing the damaged brain parts. I believe this is a technology well worth of challenging. The key to the day we might live long as we wish, might be in this study.

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